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Darius Wins Against Olaf 50 Of The Time

Darius vs Olaf: Top Lane Matchup Guide

Darius Wins Against Olaf 50% of the Time

Darius Counters Olaf in Top Lane

Darius is a strong counter to Olaf in the top lane. He wins against Olaf 50% of the time, which is 318 higher than Olaf's win rate against other champions.

Darius's strength against Olaf comes from his ability to deal sustained damage and burst down Olaf's health. Darius's W, Crippling Strike, slows Olaf down, making it difficult for him to escape. Darius's ultimate, Noxian Guillotine, deals massive damage to Olaf, especially if Olaf is low on health.

Olaf has a few weaknesses that Darius can exploit. Olaf's early game is weak, and he is susceptible to ganks. Darius can take advantage of this by freezing the wave and calling for ganks from his jungler.

Build Recommendations

The best item build for Darius against Olaf is to focus on items that increase his health, damage, and attack speed. Some good items to build include: - Trinity Force - Black Cleaver - Sterak's Gage - Death's Dance - Spirit Visage

Runes Recommendations

The best runes for Darius against Olaf are: - Conqueror - Triumph - Legend: Alacrity - Last Stand - Bone Plating - Unflinching

Tips for Playing Darius Against Olaf

Here are a few tips for playing Darius against Olaf: - Poke Olaf with your Q, Decimate, in the early game to force him to use his potions. - Use your W, Crippling Strike, to slow Olaf down and make it difficult for him to escape. - Save your ultimate, Noxian Guillotine, for when Olaf is low on health. - Call for ganks from your jungler to help you kill Olaf.
